World Health Day 2024: Why we’re working with Plumm.
Why does therapy matter?
Most of us are vaguely aware that ‘it’s good to talk’. But it’s not just homespun wisdom. Chatting through your concerns rather than bottling them up often brings clear, observable benefits – so much so that the NHS say talking therapies can be more effective than medicine for many people.

Unfortunately, there are barriers that mean accessing therapy isn’t always a simple matter. Culturally, the stereotype of the Brit with the stiff upper lip seems to have some truth to it – with 36% of us never talking about mental health. But even if you’re ready and able to open up, there’s the difficulty of finding the time, getting to the top of the waiting list, or budgeting for help.
That’s where Plumm comes in…
What’s Plumm?
Plumm provide our team with on-demand, remote access to therapists and coaches. These professionals cover a range of specialisms, so depending on what they’re looking for help with, our folks can line up a chat with people perfectly-placed to offer a helpful perspective. These include:
- Licensed social workers.
- Clinical psychologists.
- Counsellors.
- Counselling psychologists.
- Bereavement counsellors.
- Chartered psychologists.
- Psychotherapists.
- Executive coaches.
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapists (CBT).
- Certified life coaches.
- Psychologists.
It’s a simple, quick, free way for our people to get help as and when they need it. As the services are from anywhere at anytime, there’s no logistical juggling to contend with. It makes reaching out that bit easier.
Everyday wellness.
The services Plumm offer are about being the best you possible. In some cases, that’ll be about feeling supported through particularly challenging circumstances – things like bereavement that (fortunately) aren’t a day-to-day occurrence. For others, that might simply mean making more of life.
As well as one-to-one therapy sessions around specific issues, our people can use Plumm to tap into professional coaching, financial coaching, resources of meditation and wellness courses.
The way we see it, staying healthy isn’t just about self-preservation – it’s about having chances to grow.
Plumm isn’t the only way we go about ensuring people have these chances. We also offer everyone £100 a month of flexible benefits through Thanks Ben, which they can spend on anything they feel will help them stay well. That can be things with an obvious health benefit (like workout gear) but when we say anything, that’s what we mean. Books, day trips, subscriptions, bills – it’s all fine.
If you’d like to work somewhere where fairness comes first and foremost, keep an eye on our careers page.